Metrics Ventures,是一家数据和研究驱动的二级主观基金,当前管理规模超过6000万美元。 以BTC为核心资产配置,通过深入的链上/链下数据分析捕捉成长性资产的交易机会,以求为客户实现高于BTC夏普比率的长期回报。
| **Ruby | 管理合伙人** | **Will | 管理合伙人** | Kira | 管理合伙人 | **Mark | 合伙人** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | • 曾任职于中金公司 • 新加坡国立大学 | • 曾就职于中金公司 • 中央财经大学 | • 曾任职于源乐晟资本 • 北京大学 | • DODO-Dex 联合创始人 • 卡内基梅隆大学 |
Metrics Ventures is a data- and research-driven secondary subjective fund with over $60 million in assets under management. Centered on BTC as the core of its asset allocation strategy, the fund employs comprehensive on-chain and off-chain data analysis to identify trading opportunities in high-growth assets, striving to achieve long-term returns with a Sharpe ratio exceeding that of BTC.
| **Ruby | Managing Partner** | **Will | Managing Partner** | Kira | Managing Partner | **Mark | Venture Partner** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | - Ex-CICC